Antiochian Archdiocese of North Amreica

  • Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

    Antiochian Archdiocese of North America

    St. Antony’s is under the jurisdiction of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, which itself is under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. We trace our roots to first-century Antioch, where Christ first called His disciples Christians. Read more about the Archdiocese here:

  • Metropolitan Saba


    His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Saba Isper of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America “leads and oversees the Archdiocese's parishes, missions, departments, institutions and organizations in the United States and Canada from the headquarters in Englewood, New Jersey.” Read Met. Saba’s biography here:

  • Archepiscopal Vicar, Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Calinic (Berger)

    Archepiscopal Vicar, Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Calinic (Berger)

    Archepiscopal Vicar, Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Calinic (Berger)